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Eye Care Focused on You!

Dr. Hagens has opened a new sister clinic Absolutely Eyes! (formerly Kindersley Optical) in Kindersley, SK

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important notice

This is to update all our patients and customers on the latest impacts of COVID19 on the services we are able to provide to you.  As of now, the government and provincial optometric associations, have asked us to close our offices to non-essential services (routine eye exams) and non-critical care (less urgent follow-up visits).  Absolutely Eyes, (our Kindersley location), will be closed to all doctor services until further notice.  Our office doors will be locked, however urgent optometric care can be obtained via our emergency hotline at 403-664-0060.  Emergencies WILL be accepted at Oyen Optometry (our Oyen location) and, again, can be accessed through the same emergency hotline at 403-664-0060.   Emergencies include infection, injury, worrisome visual symptoms, and broken eyewear needed immediately to function.   Our Oyen location will have access to doctor care and will be able to handle all these immediate concerns.  We want to urge you to use us for such things, versus being visually impaired or seeking attention at the emergency departments of the hospitals.  We stress that we need to keep people out of the hospitals at this critical time, to not only keep physicians available for COVID19 concerns, but to also reduce your own potential exposure as well!


If you require contact lenses, we can still have these shipped to you and all shipping & handling fees will be waived.  If you recently ordered eyewear, we will be arranging pickups over the next few weeks using the protocols set out for us as being appropriate in this COVID19 situation.


We can only hope that, at the end of the day, this will present, to some extent, a bit of a positive social experiment, whereby we all learn to take a step back from the chaos of ordinary daily life, be able to appreciate each other’s company more, develop a whole new level of empathy and compassion for our global humanity, and a deeper understanding as to how we are truly all in this together on this ‘blue marble’ we live on!


Stay safe, and stay healthy!


Emergency Hotline:
